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4.12 – Further files and views


Join an existing session for support via this file. Please note that the partner will provide you with the file, as well as the username and password. The invitation file is created by the help seeker via the file msra.exe and should be in the format .msrcIncident.


Works with the gateway.conf parameter asHost. If this parameter is set to on, the value of the HTTP header host is set as the server. For example, if you call https://server1/cname.html, an RDP connection to server1 is automatically established. This can be useful when multiple virtual hosts are in use.


Learn more about errors that can occur during installation, configuration, and ongoing operation. The notes shown here largely apply to older and legacy versions of SparkView.


Join an existing SSH session as an outsider using the session ID and a freely assignable name. You receive the session ID from the host of the session to be joined. The host can also choose whether you have read-only or control rights.


Join an existing Telnet session as an outsider using the session ID and a freely assignable name. You receive the session ID from the host of the session to be joined. The host can also choose whether you have read-only or control rights.


Join an existing VNC session as an outsider using the session ID and a freely assignable name. You receive the session ID from the host of the session to be joined. The host can also choose whether you have read-only or control rights.


Test the keyboard layout that is currently being used for input here. This allows you to match country and keyboard settings with servers and remote hosts for smooth operation.


This page works analogously to the multi-monitor function of the /rdp.html page and should not be called manually. Please always make multi-monitor connections via the portal or the /rdp.html.


🚧 Experimental feature

This feature is still under development and therefore still in productive mode. Please use with caution!

The monitoring dashboard can be used to view and analyze past actions of the following areas:

  • Recordings and playbacks
  • Keyboard inputs
  • applications
  • File transfers
  • prints
  • User events
  • Attack events
  • License events

The views of the scopes can be filtered by user, start time, end time and hostname if required.


View version changes and release notes for major versions of SparkView here. Similarly, you can find a granular changelog at /release.txt.


View previously recorded footage here, even from outside your network. The normal player.html works only from localhost for security reasons, the playeremote.html from anywhere.


Open a RemoteApp within another RemoteApp in the same session.


View all active sessions of the current gateway here. You can filter and sort the sessions.


Connect directly to an SSH server here without going through the SparkView dashboard.

sso.html deprecated

Used in older versions to verify credentials via SSO and then forward traffic. These features are now integrated in the login.html and rdpdirect.html files/views, making the sso.html obsolete and should no longer be used.


Provides the ability to establish a direct (VNC) connection to a VMware HTML Console via SparkView. Please note that the callback is done via the /vnc.html file.