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3.30 — Add HTTP/S proxy entry

From SparkView version 6.4, the HTTP proxy has been completely redesigned to be faster, more secure and more accessible. The handling is fundamentally different from previous versions and there are a few important things to note:

  • The URL structure before version 6.4 was Now virtual hosts are used, resulting in the following structure:
  • This means that a domain name must be used for the SparkView gateway if the HTTP proxy is to be used.
  • Your own DNS server must have a wildcard entry on the same IP address as the gateway itself: *
  • To test the feature without a DNS server, the hosts file of the server/computer can be modified. Host file locations:
    • Windows: %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
    • Linux: /etc/hosts
    • macOS: /etc/hosts or /private/etc/hosts
    • Example:    sparkview.local    serverid.sparkview.local    server2id.sparkview.local

To add an HTTP/S proxy target, the above requirements must be met and the server must be added via config.html and the Servers tab (see chapter 4.1).