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3.17 – RDP connection cache/pool

RDP session may take minutes to start (booting, login, user profile etc) which is unacceptable sometimes. RDP connection Cache/pool allows you see you desktop and RemoteApp instantly.

You can cache a connection on client side and display it when user needs it. Cache on client side is faster and recommended.

You can also cache a connection on gateway side (in a connection pool) too. It’s disabled by default, to enable it, set maxCacheTime to a non-zero value in gateway.conf.

Please check example7.html (under html directory) for usage on client side.

Cache API also make integration more easier, here is what you can do with it:

  • Your application send http request to the gateway to create a connection and this connection will be cached on gateway:
    In this request, CACHETIMEOUT is 1 minute, CACHEPOLICY=0 means gateway will do nothing if this cache is popped out. DUPLICATE=off means there is only one cache item under one id. You'd better using UUID as CACHEID. gatewayPwd is the MD5 hash of password configured in gateway.conf, 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 is the MD5 hash of “password”.
  • On the client side, you can create an RDP connecting by: Using the JS library directly in your web page: new svGlobal.Rdp("ws://gateway/RDP?CACHEID=mycacheid&... or using rdpdirect.html: http://gateway/rdpdirect.html?gateway=yourgatewayaddress&CACHEID=mycacheid