5.4 – HTTP Request API (server side)
You can use HTTP request to create server, symlink dynamically if you don't want to write a plug-in.
Create servers on gateway:
http://gatewayAddress/SERVER?id=serverId&displayName=Name&server=hostName&gatewayPwd=pas swordInGateway.conf&...
gatewayPwd is hexadecimal MD5 hash of the password which is configured in gateway.conf. Please check 5.2.1 for other parameters you can use.
Create symlink on gateway:
http://gatewayAddress/SYMLINK?symlink=symlinkId&server=existingServerId&validTime=20m& gatewayPwd=passwordInGateway.conf&...
You can also use "validFrom", "validTo" parameters. Please check http://www.remotespark.com/view/doc/com/toremote/gateway/connection/SymLink.html for more information.
To delete a server or symlink, add "&action=delete" to the URL; To update a server or symlnk, add "&action=update" to the URL.
HTTP request will return status code 200 if operation succeeded, 500 if operation failed.
For more details, please check the Integration Guide.